Welcome to the Trophée des Beaujolais Nouveaux website!

Created in 2001, this is the only official competition for new wines. Organised by the Union des Œnologues de France, Bourgogne Centre-Est region, it rewards the best new Beaujolais and Beaujolais Villages wines every year. This competition helps to promote and raise the profile of Beaujolais wines.

Don't miss our video presenting the competition : watch the video

To follow our actualities

Go on Facebook @TrophéeLyonBeaujolaisNouveau and LinkedIn @TrophéedesBeaujolaisNouveaux

Contact :

Président Régional

Union des Oenologues de France, région Bourgogne Centre-Est

mail : alainsiodlak@wanadoo.fr

secrétariat :


Registration 100 % online

100% online registration. Create your account in just a few minutes and register your samples straight away !

I register